Take the StoryMight Challenge for FREE
Win up to $2,000.00
Interview a grandparent, parent or yourself using the StoryMight app
Get points for every story you record and every picture you add
Folks like to talk –
so let’em talk!
folks like to talk – so let’em talk!
(some day you’ll be glad you did)
StoryMight Challenge
- Fill out the entry form and tap register to Sign-up.
- Upon registration you will receive an email verification link. upon tapping it you will be provided with a temporary pass code and a link to the App/Play Store to install the StoryMight App.
- Download the “StoryMight” App and tap the “Sign-in” button.
- Enter the email address you used to Register and your temporary password.
- The “StoryMight” App will help you set up the home page by prompting you with a bunch of questions – when answering, use the information of the person you are interviewing.
- The more stories you record and the more pictures you upload (no spam) the more points you get.
- The recording period officially ends May 1, 2024.
- Every participant has a chance to win. The individual with the most points gets $500.00, The most creative StoryBook get $500.00, All participants who have accumulated a minimum of 200 story points are entered into a drawing with the potential to win various prizes and the grand prize of $2,000.00.